Democracy and Duty

The reasoning of a tamasik philosopher centers on evading the responsibility of voting by labeling everyone as useless.

The Mahabharata and life itself teach us that no one, literally no one, is free from some degree of limitation, selfishness or stupidity.

One wise philosopher stated that human beings are a mix of events and qualities, some good and some bad. The decision to be righteous is determined by who possesses more good events and qualities compared to others.

Yudhisthira had limitations like Duryodhana, but common sense, after hearing the Mahabharata, makes it clear that it’s better to choose Yudhisthira over Duryodhana.

The great Hanuman had to choose Sugriva as his master, despite Sugriva having his own limitations and flaws, because Vali was a criminal.

Therefore, tamasik philosophers act as the primary parasites, causing their friends and followers to become inactive, unproductive, and non-participatory in certain activities, ultimately impeding the cultivation of a civil and dharmik society.

It is crucial for those fortunate enough to be born in Bharata, carrying the legacy of good fortune, to ensure that their Vikasa (progress) and their Viraasat (legacy) continues to thrive and benefit future generations.

Certainly, democracy has numerous flaws and limitations, but it remains the only available option for all of us to exercise our right to vote and select an ideology aligned with dharma—signifying fairness, judiciousness, empowerment and justice.

As Mumbaikaras, if our fingers are not stained with ink, then we do not have the right to raise our index finger for complaining and bickering.

Jai Bharata and Jai Sri Rama.

– Govinda Das